Monday, November 17, 2008

Volcanoes National Park Steam vents, Hawai

Our First day on the Big Island of Hawaii. We flew from Oahu in about 45 minutes and landed in Hilo, ran up to Kilauea Military camp to offload our gear and head on out to see the waterfalls and sights in Hilo. On our way we HAD to stop and check out the amazing steam vents! The day was humid and had a low ceiling. Compared to the second day the first day here was far more interesting here. The large fissures and cracks in the ground are steaming HOT... Its not warm... You could end up with a really bad facial if you stood in front of one too long. Not to mention the faint smell of sulphur. The steam comes from water that drains into these deeps cracks. The colors at the openings are really subtle and pretty.

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