Sunday, February 8, 2009


Dim Sum anyone?

Feed me Pennies!!

Lei makers in Chinatown

Cases of beautiful lei's

IN the noodle factory!

Fresh fish!

Giant Clams

More fish!


If you blow into the "eye of newt" you can play Jimmy Crack Corn!!

I am sure they have the "nightingale poop facial" here. Seriously...

The apothecary or herbalist. They can make a concoction of anything here to cure anything.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Chinatown, Oahu

See the Fishy I caught for the man at the counter? Look, isn't it cute!? (this is what is playing in my mind) All the kids excitedly react!! They all love this fish, he is in the metal bowl, that fish is center stage!

Cute FIshy!!!

Ohhhhh, now what is she going to do with it?

Now we take the fish and get the knife between the gills and head... Look at the kids reaction...OMG!
This will be known as the Field Trip that required 100's of hours of therapy!

remember the duck presentation on A Christmas Story? Fa Rah Rah Rah rha Rah rah rah rah rah!!!

Fish Heads! Fish Heads, Rolie Poly fish Heads! Dr. Dimentos Fish Shop!

Chicken! (I think!)

$8.99 a pound (too expensive to rescue, trust me, I thought of it!)
Is this a pet? Is there a recipe? Seriously?

Ummm guys! Hello! I'm stuck in this case and can someone get the feet off my eyes so I can at LEAST see something?
Hello Mr. Butcher, I'd like that cute one with the adorable little snout and blue eyes.
Two words "Salutations WIlbur"
Another freakshow for the kids to see.

MMMMMmmmmm.. yeah, a few things ran through my mind while taking impressionable 7 year olds thru a market like this.
FIrst off I found it evilly humerous. I kept my laughter stifled and its a good thing one of my friends wasn't with because we'd have gone into side splitting laughter bouts...
A frozen tub of pigs feet.
Of all things I don't know why I was disturbed that there was NOT a tong to pick them up with. If I was interested making my favorite recipe of "swine feet" how was I to pick them up and bag them?
Each time something unusual came in sight I was wondering what these kids were thinking! Like, was there a fresh green field with Pig Amputees laying motionless wondering where their little cloven feet were?
And, having seen the inner workings of a midwest pig farm, I KNOW where those feet have been. Soaking in a brine of urine, feces and muck.. for years... Mmmmmm. Who's idea was it that this was "good eatin?"
The Jews are wise for not eating this.

Chinatown, Oahu

head towards the door and get ready for a squirt of Purell!

Fresh catfish! All the kids were a little concerned about the low water level. "They need MORE water!" I agreed until I looked up and noticed about 10 giant frogs in a 10 gallon aquarium for slae at $8.99lb. (I was considering buying them to free them but $8.99 a lb? That'd be an expensive rescue)

Is this fish actually smiling at me?

The big doe eyes makes them look so pathetic...awww.. I can't cook it if its looking at me.

"I've got my "eye" on you!"

Impressive Pillars! if you could smell these pics you'd know we were about to enter a fish market...

We start out our long and winding trip at the bank... The bank? Yes, the bank. Where this adorable lady talked to us about Chinese traditions, customs, food and items. We assembled outside and in a single file line we wound our way thru Chinatown rather quickly. Benny Hill music is buzzing in my head...

Here is a tour of Chinatown as seen through the eyes of our second grade class field trip.