Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hilo Bay Hawaii

Banyan drive, Japanese gardens and Ganja! Pot is big business here...lol The travel books advise you to stay on "state park" trails and that if God forbid, you stray off the well worn park path onto someone's "Pot field" you risk a good old fashioned beating. That'd be my luck. I noticed a lot of young, hippie hitchhikers near Pahoa, go figure... Duuuude.... The Cannibis Ministry? Seriously? What do they do for communion? One cracker wouldn't satisfy the munchies at all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyone if you go to the big island and are near Hilo, and if you like sushi, you MUST go to Ocean Sushi at 250 Keawe Street ph 961.6625. It is the best sushi I've ever had and it was CHEAP!!! Most rolls were between $2-6. Maybe the sushi roll with the macedamia nuts could help with those munchies. Hmmm...