Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The Weather Channel Rocks!

Or any other weather forecast for that matter. I seriously think I have PTSD from living in Washington State. Last night while watching The Unit (Yes, I am "That" geek) The Colonel replied to his wife " I'm not going to England, I cant stand the rain" I felt like going into a convulsion ala' Kramer upon hearing Mary Harts voice.

When I see the forecast here.. The SEVEN DAY frigging forecast and it has '79 and sunny' ALL WEEK! I want that meteorologists job! Edit, copy, paste SUNNY! repeat...
I see its snowing and cold in Seattle muuuahahahahahahaha Can you hear me laughing maniacally? Sorry, I just can't help but love it here.

On another good note, we rented our home! Thank goodness too, I mean we were enjoying making two mortgage payments, it was sure fun and all, oh and paying the gas, elec, sewer and all the rest for two places was a dream.... yeah... Maybe I can afford a Starbucks or two a month now? Can you believe that coffee shops are not on every corner here? And coffee drive-thrus? They are a needle in a haystack! Thats probably good though, I am a sucker for that immediate gratification, then getting the kids cocoa or the ever popular kids Strawberry Littlefoot at Bigfoot Java. Troy always busting my by finding little empty cups all over the mini-van. Washington did have its pick of the crop of coffee shops as I think back. Everything from elaborate stands shaped like coffee pots to glass and modern architecture to little trailers parked on supermarket parking-lot corners obviously with no running water or "facilities" rendering them unsuitable for most germaphobes like me. Eeeewwww.....
Oh, and the newest trend, baristas clad in nothing but a skimpy bikini. Now, I don't care, who am I to judge? I'd work there but I doubt they'd want to see my fat ass poured into a grandma suit. But seriously, would I ever GO there to get a coffee? Hell no, I'd feel like a creep! Especially being as I drive a mini-van and I usually have my kids in the car. I would seriously look like a perv... when CLEARLY I am NOT! lol So, where am I going with this? Marketing...thats where... When you have only females wearing the latest swimwear from Rio you limit your customer base to what? Men, and women who like to look like men.
Now, ready for my idea? Picture the old Diet Coke commercial with that hot construction worker breaking for lunch and all the women in the office next door gathering to drool...
Yeah, now your getting my idea... Put that guy, sans shirt in a coffee shack and thats my cuppa-joe! There are more women than men that buy coffee I bet, why not? While your at it, make a Hooters with men serving! Same idea, perfect old jeans, no shirt and muscles. Think your old man would want to pack up the family and go to "Schlongs?" instead of Hooters? Yeah, I didn't think so. Especially since another idea was for the man-servers was for them to rub your shoulders and ask how your day was while he took your order...
Ok, I seriously need to get going and go play outside with Ryan, its SUNNY out, AGAIN!


Anonymous said...

This is Kirsten from Sunny and cold New Mexico. I have been trying to get people interested in a restaurant that has really cute guys in their underware serving delight full sandwiches and fruity alcohol drinks for years. It would be called Package and have a woodpecker as its mascott. That guy from the Diet Coke commericals is named Lucky Vanoos.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane, brother Dean here. Funny blog post, enjoyed reading it! You won't believe this but we have NO - zip, zero, nanda -- Starbucks in Kigali, Rwanda. I know, hard to believe, but we are just a little behind the times here. There is, however, a very nice Starbucks wannabe at the "Mall" -- Union Trade Center -- just opened last year. It's called "bourbon" -- not "Bourbon", but "bourbon, with a lowercase "b", so you know just how hip it is. In fact, it's so hip it was featured in a New York Times article last year:

Take a look -- see that guy in the photo? -- that's me! Heh. Okay, that's not me, but I have the same haircut.

The weather here in Kigali is good -- cool and mild and nice little showers now and then cooling things off (it's rainy season). No beach, so I'm jealous of you there in Hawaii! Definitely looking for a chunk of time opening up so I can come visit.

-Dean in Kigali