Thursday, May 22, 2008

Coconut Palm Frond WEAVING!!! YESSSS!!!

My friend "Super Jody" weaves palm fronds. She called me up the other day... "Jane! I got one, let's weave! I'll call Gretchen!"
She asked "Would you like to come over to "My" house? I replied nah, come over to mine then all the kids can run around here and play (This area is where they all hang out and Jody and clan are in TEMP lodging till they move) Not thinking.. right? Are you following just WHERE i went wrong?
So, Super Jody rides over on her beach cruiser with the frigging 10 ft long Palm Frond!!! What the Hell was I thinking? Sometimes I am so stupid... Anyways... Leave it to Jody to get the thing here...
SO, we sat and made hats! Jody basically made mine, I went right when I should have gone left throughout most of my time... I don't know how this "weaving" will pan out once she moves (To Tacoma of all places!) I'll have to check a 10 ft long Coconut Palm Frond into luggage when I go to visit! God knows the Airlines will charge me a thousand dollars for it! I heard American is going to charge $20 for your one suitcase! We joked about them charging to use the bathroom.. then for breathing air...
So, here are some weave pics with Jody and then the basket cubbies that she taught me to make today!

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