Friday, January 23, 2009

I wonder if they are mine....

Really, I do. I get queasy when hearing other people brag about how brilliant their kids are... How Little Jimmy is going to Harvard- and they throw in "not on scholarship either!" Great, now you have forced upon me how clever little Einstein (Spell check had to let me know I spelled einstien you get where I am going with this post?) is AND reminded me of how we will struggle to pay for community college for the lucky spawn of ours. Secretly I think I live for hearing this crap so I can squirm and giggle with joy of the sheer sickliness!

But now I must sing from the rooftops!

Evil pride fills me!!

Its my turn!!!

It may not be Harvard but it IS an Award! (Kind of like when Ralphies dad got the leg-lamp). Ahhh brimming with pride... Thats how I felt when My son was given the award for....FOR....
ready for this? Drum roll........ An award for HUMOR!!!

My little Smarty McSmarty-pants got an award for "FINDING HUMOR IN THINGS"!!!

I think thats just about the frigging BEST award you can have in life... He also got prize after the little ceremony that glamorized the whole thing like a sick little pageant. He was pissed he didn't get a "badge" instead he was given a sticker and a pencil. I was the sickening stage mother clamoring for his attention to get "the perfect picture" (you'll see how that went-eye-roll...) Oh, and the sticker? It was one for the minivan, some "my kid is the shiznit at the so and so school"... Its going on dads car... hah! Secretly I WAN'T it on my minivan but it really is hard enough to drive by itself... I need a Porsche Cayenne for REAL. I am not that secure.

You bet your ass that will be in my next years Christmas letter! Take THAT little Jimmy!

I DO however love stories of how kids "do good" and are generally getting citizen type awards... you know, all the do-gooder type stuff... And I am so happy when kids do great... however the sappy cliche stories always crack me up, even how little Jimmy's crap smells better than everyone else's... keep em coming!! Make me smile.

This award winning kid and the other two over-achieving little report card Czars I gave birth to make me wonder if they are actually mine?

1 comment:

Jody said...

Tell Ryan Congrats from us. Notice I did not try and spell congratulations out. Hope I spelled it right. We miss you. I will call soon to catch up. Been crazy here with two sick kids.